Britain Proposes Broad New Powers to Regulate Internet Content

A growing number of countries are now eager to punish Facebook and other internet companies for harmful material on their platforms. Source:

May Asks for a Short Brexit Delay. E.U. Leaders Send Conflicting Signals.

A proposal from Donald Tusk, the president of the European Council, would offer a one-year extension but leave the door open for Britain to withdraw from the bloc sooner if it ratifies a deal. Source:

Theresa May Asks E.U. for Brexit Extension Until June 30

Prime Minister Theresa May formally asked in a letter to extend Britain’s departure from the bloc, and conceded that the country was preparing to take part in European Parliament elections. Source:

Theresa May and Jeremy Corbyn Consider Something New on Brexit: Cooperation

In a stunning reversal, the prime minister is reaching out to the Labour Party for a deal on leaving the European Union, risking the wrath of her Conservatives. Source: