Favorite photos of crescent moon and Venus

A few of our favorite images of the waning crescent moon and dazzling planet Venus in the early-morning sky. Source: https://earthsky.org/todays-image/dec-2020-crescent-moon-venus-photos…

Astronomers measure a change in orbit for infamous asteroid Apophis

Astronomers in Hawaii have detected the Yarkovsky effect – a minuscule push imparted by sunlight – for asteroid Apophis. The effect is particularly important for Apophis, because it relates to the possibility of an Earth impact in 2068. Source: https://earthsky.org/space/asteroid-99942-apophis-encounters-2029-2036-2068…

Wow! Jupiter might have 600 moons

Astronomers in Canada say they have found evidence for 45 new tiny moons orbiting Jupiter, and that the planet may have a staggering 600 such moons in total. Source: https://earthsky.org/space/jupiter-might-have-600-moons…

Venus Might Host Life, New Discovery Suggests

There is something funky going on in the clouds of Venus. Telescopes have detected unusually high concentrations of the molecule phosphine — a stinky, flammable chemical typically associated with feces, farts and rotting microbial activity — in an atmospheric layer far above the planet’s scorching surface. From a report: The finding is curious because here on Earth, phosphine is essentially always…

A monster quasar in the early universe

Astronomers just announced the most massive quasar yet known in the early universe. Its monster central black hole has a mass equivalent to 1.5 billion of our suns. The object has been given a Hawaiian name, Poniua’ena. Source: https://earthsky.org/space/poniuaena-monster-quasar-in-early-universe…

Why these astronomers now doubt there’s a Planet Nine

In the search for the hypothetical 9th planet in our solar system, these scientists may have uncovered another explanation for the patterns in the orbits of Kuiper Belt objects. Source: https://earthsky.org/space/astronomer-doubt-planet-nine-9…

More evidence for watery plumes on Europa

Scientists in Europe have found more yet evidence for water vapor plumes on Jupiter’s ocean moon Europa. Source: https://earthsky.org/space/europa-water-vapor-plumes-galileo…

Why did this galaxy blaze with stars, then become inactive?

Astronomers report on the very distant galaxy XMM-2599. It existed when the universe was very young, yet contains some 300 billion stars. It must have formed stars at a very rapid rate and then stopped. Why? Source: https://earthsky.org/space/mysterious-massive-galaxy-xmm-2599-early-universe…

Scientists confirm Europa’s water vapor geysers … maybe

New observations appear to confirm the existence of water vapor geysers on Europa. The findings are tantalizing, but some scientists are not convinced yet. Source: https://earthsky.org/space/europa-water-vapor-geysers-goddard…

Saturn is our solar system’s new moon king

Astronomers have found 20 new moons orbiting Saturn, bringing the planet’s total number of moons to 82. That surpasses Jupiter, which has 79. Source: https://earthsky.org/space/saturn-20-new-moons-discovered…