How to model a pandemic

Behind every government announcement, there is an army of epidemiologists predicting how the virus will spread, and how to beat it. Source:…

Sweden Starts Testing World’s First Central Bank Digital Currency

Sweden’s Riksbank said on Wednesday it had begun testing an e-krona, taking the country a step closer to the creation of the world’s first central bank digital currency (CBDC). From a report: If the e-krona eventually comes into circulation it will be used to simulate everyday banking activities, such as payments, deposits and withdrawals from a digital wallet such as a…

Coronavirus: How maths is helping to answer crucial covid-19 questions

Getting a full picture of the coronavirus outbreak is extremely difficult. Maths can help fill in some of the gaps, says Adam Kucharski Source:…

New clues in the search for the universe’s oldest galaxies

An astronomer reports on a very old galaxy cluster – labeled XLSSC 122 – whose light has taken 10.4 billion years to travel across the universe to us. Source:…

Maths says you need coarser coffee grounds to make a perfect espresso

Baristas normally aim to grind coffee finely to maximise surface area and extract the most coffee compounds, but a mathematical analysis has found that coarse grounds are better as they reduce clogging Source:…

Trippy maths program could help figure out the shape of the universe

Mathematicians have come up with a way to explore strange 3D spaces that could be related to the shape of the universe Source:…

Newyddion gwych! Maths predicts that Welsh language is set to thrive

The Welsh language, spoken by around half a million people today, is expected to “thrive in the long term”, based on a model looking at how proficiency in languages changes over time Source:…

AI is helping tackle one of the biggest unsolved problems in maths

Machine learning algorithms are being used to tackle the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture, one of the fiendishly difficult Millennium Prize Problems Source:…

Tactical voting campaign says maths can solve the UK’s political mess

A site designed to help voters who want to stop Brexit has come under fire for its recommendations, but the group behind it say it is backed by statistics Source:…

50-year old maths problem about an infinite lottery finally solved

A 50-year-old maths problem has finally been solved, and it shows that even an infinitely large lottery ticket could not contain every winning solution Source:…