Solar and Wind Are Reaching for the Last 90% of the US Power Market

An anonymous reader shares a report: Three decades ago, the U.S. passed an infinitesimal milestone: solar and wind power generated one-tenth of one percent of the country’s electricity. It took 18 years, until 2008, for solar and wind to reach 1% of U.S. electricity. It took 12 years for solar and wind to increase by another factor of 10. In 2020,…

Machines Are Inventing New Math We’ve Never Seen

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Motherboard: [A] group of researchers from the Technion in Israel and Google in Tel Aviv presented an automated conjecturing system that they call the Ramanujan Machine, named after the mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan, who developed thousands of innovative formulas in number theory with almost no formal training. The software system has already conjectured several original…

Calculations Show It’ll Be Impossible To Control a Super-Intelligent AI

schwit1 shares a report from ScienceAlert: [S]cientists have just delivered their verdict on whether we’d be able to control a high-level computer super-intelligence. The answer? Almost definitely not. The catch is that controlling a super-intelligence far beyond human comprehension would require a simulation of that super-intelligence which we can analyze. But if we’re unable to comprehend it, it’s impossible to create…

Study Finds Brain Activity of Coders Isn’t Like Language or Math

“When you do computer programming, what sort of mental work are you doing?” asks science/tech journalist Clive Thompson: For a long time, folks have speculated on this. Since coding involves pondering hierarchies of symbols, maybe the mental work is kinda like writing or reading? Others have speculated it’s more similar to the way our brains process math and puzzles. A group…

After Canceling Exam, College Board Touts Record Number of AP CSP Exam Takers

theodp writes: Q. How many AP Computer Science Principles ‘exam takers’ would you have if you cancelled the AP CSP exam due to the coronavirus? A. More than 116,000! That’s according to the math behind a new College Board press release, which boasts, “In 2020, more than 116,000 students took the AP CSP Exam — more than double the number of…

Are Fragments of Energy the Fundamental Building Blocks of the Universe?

hcs_$reboot shares a remarkable new theory from Larry M. Silverberg, an aerospace engineering professor at North Carolina State University (with colleague Jeffrey Eischen). They’re proposing that matter is not made of particles (or even waves), as was long thought, but fragments of energy. [W]hile the theories and math of waves and particles allow scientists to make incredibly accurate predictions about the…

Assigning Homework Exacerbates Class Divides, Researchers Find

“Education scholars say that math homework as it’s currently assigned reinforces class divides in society and needs to change for good,” according to Motherboard — citing a new working paper from education scholars:
Status-reinforcing processes, or ones that fortify pre-existing divides, are a dime a dozen in education. Standardized testing, creating honors and AP tracks, and grouping students based on perceived ability…

IBM Apologizes For Firing Computer Pioneer For Being Transgender… 52 Years Later

On August 29, 1968, IBM’s CEO fired computer scientist and transgender pioneer Lynn Conway to avoid the public embarrassment of employing a transwoman. Nearly 52 years later, in an act that defines its present-day culture, IBM is apologizing and seeking forgiveness. Jeremy Alicandri writes via Forbes reports: On January 2, 1938, Lynn Conway’s life began in Mount Vernon, NY. With a…