Astronomers find ‘missing’ neutron star after 32 years

Thirty-two years ago, Supernova 1987A erupted in the nearby Large Magellanic Cloud. Astronomers using the ALMA radio telescope now say they’ve found the small, compact neutron star created in this mighty star explosion. Source:…

Did this huge black hole swallow a star from the inside out?

A recently discovered black hole in a distant spiral arm of the Milky Way, 70 times as heavy as the sun, might have swallowed a star from the inside out, and scientists are baffled. Source:…

Breaking the limits: Discovery of the highest-energy photons from a gamma-ray burst

Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are brief and extremely powerful cosmic explosions, suddenly appearing in the sky, about once per day. They are thought to result from the collapse of massive stars or the merging of neutron stars in distant galaxies. They commence with an initial, very bright flash, called the prompt emission, with a duration ranging from a fraction of a second…