Using 3-D models in the search for Mars life

Maps are handy for travel. But what if you’re traveling to a place never before visited? For the ExoMars mission, due to launch next summer, scientists have developed new 3-D models of the area to be explored, which may be an old Martian river delta. Source:…

Earthlings living on Mars? It’s ‘a possibility in our lifetime,’ scientists discover

Inspired by science fiction and a strange phenomenon on the Martian surface, researchers have discovered a way that Earth life could survive on the red planet. Source:…

Researcher sees potential for ancient life on Martian surface

Photos taken by the Mars Curiosity rover may show a desolate rocky landscape to some, but to Penn State researcher Christopher House, the photos show potential for ancient life. Source:…

InSight Mars lander uncovers the ‘mole’

Behold the “mole”: The heat-sensing spike that NASA’s InSight lander deployed on the Martian surface is now visible. Last week, the spacecraft’s robotic arm successfully removed the support structure of the mole, which has been unable to dig, and placed it to the side. Getting the structure out of the way gives the mission team a view of the mole -…

What Mars’ giant dust storm taught us

Before we send people to Mars, we need to understand more about how Martian dust could affect astronauts and their equipment. Here are 3 things we’ve learned from the planet’s 2018 global dust storm. Source:…

Listen to 1st-ever recorded marsquake

On April 6, NASA’s Mars InSight lander captured the 1st-ever audio of a likely “marsquake.” Source:…

Is There Wine on Mars? The Answer May Soon Be “Yes”

“Georgians were the first winemakers on Earth and now we hope to pioneer viticulture on the planet next door.” It’s often said that real progress in a new technology isn’t made until someone starts using it for sex or getting high. That seems to be the case in the quest to be ready to grow… Continue reading Is There Wine on Mars? The Answer May Soon Be “Yes”