Vox Sentences: Decoding the Mueller report

Source: https://www.vox.com/vox-sentences/2019/4/18/18485860/vox-sentences-mueller-report-takeaways…

Moon’s south pole possible landing site

NASA hopes to send astronauts to the surface of the moon in 5 years, and has planned a landing site where no human has yet been: the lunar south pole. Source: https://earthsky.org/space/moon-south-pole-possible-landing-site…

Another Meteorite from Mars Shows Signs of Organic Life

How much evidence do you need before you accept the idea that Mars was once teeming with microbial life forms? Would two meteorites sent direct from the surface of the Red Planet that are filled with fossils convince you? Then get ready to yell “I believe!” Scientists given permission to take a thin slice out… Continue reading Another Meteorite from Mars Shows Signs of Organic Life

Does a year in space make you older or younger?

The NASA Twins study – featuring astronaut twins Scott and Mark Kelly – was the perfect space experiment. Scott spent a year in space aboard the International Space Station. Mark remained on Earth. The results? Source: https://earthsky.org/human-world/year-in-space-human-body-twins-study…

A Gas Could Hint at Signs of Life on Mars. Why Hasn’t a New Spacecraft Found It?

Two spacecraft have detected methane in the Martian air. But the Trace Gas Orbiter, with more sensitive instruments, has come up empty. Source: https://www.nytimes.com/2019/04/10/science/mars-methane-life.html?partner=rss&emc=rss…

Is There Wine on Mars? The Answer May Soon Be “Yes”

“Georgians were the first winemakers on Earth and now we hope to pioneer viticulture on the planet next door.” It’s often said that real progress in a new technology isn’t made until someone starts using it for sex or getting high. That seems to be the case in the quest to be ready to grow… Continue reading Is There Wine on Mars? The Answer May Soon Be “Yes”

Spikes of Methane on Mars May Be Proof of Life and Pointers to its Locations

Let’s get the obvious out of the way first … Spikes of Methane would make a great name for a band. However, it would have to play really well to produce the excitement that real spikes of methane are generating amongst the space exploration community over an announcement by NASA that its Curiosity rover has… Continue reading Spikes of Methane on Mars May Be Proof of Life and Pointers to its Locations