Spacecraft spies river relic on Mars

These images from the Mars Express spacecraft show an ancient, dried-up river system, one of the longest valley networks on Mars. Source:…

River relic spied by Mars Express

Mars may seem to be an alien world, but many of its features look eerily familiar—such as this ancient, dried-up river system that stretches out for nearly 700 kilometres across the surface, making it one of the longest valley networks on the planet. Source:…

Dust storms swirl at Mars’ north pole

Over the last month, ESA’s Mars Express has been watching dust storms brew at the planet’s north pole and disperse toward the equator. Source:…

Scientists find new periodic water cycle on Mars

A new study shows that Mars has a unique water vapor cycle that occurs only once about every 2 years. The cycle might help explain how Mars lost most of its water. Source:…

A Gas Could Hint at Signs of Life on Mars. Why Hasn’t a New Spacecraft Found It?

Two spacecraft have detected methane in the Martian air. But the Trace Gas Orbiter, with more sensitive instruments, has come up empty. Source:…

Spikes of Methane on Mars May Be Proof of Life and Pointers to its Locations

Let’s get the obvious out of the way first … Spikes of Methane would make a great name for a band. However, it would have to play really well to produce the excitement that real spikes of methane are generating amongst the space exploration community over an announcement by NASA that its Curiosity rover has… Continue reading Spikes of Methane on Mars May Be Proof of Life and Pointers to its Locations

Something on Mars Is Producing Gas Usually Made by Living Things on Earth

Mars emits methane, a European orbiter has confirmed. But scientists can’t say yet whether the source is geological or biological. Source: