Zuckerberg Defends Hands-Off Approach To Trump’s Posts

In a call with Facebook employees, who have protested the inaction on Mr. Trump’s messages, Mr. Zuckerberg said his decision was “pretty thorough.” From a report: Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook’s chief executive, on Tuesday stood firmly behind his decision to not do anything about President Trump’s inflammatory posts on the social network, saying that he had made a “tough decision” but that…

Facebook Employees Publicly Criticize Zuckerberg’s Inaction Over Trump

Senior Facebook employees took to Twitter over the weekend to express their dismay at Chief Executive Officer Mark Zuckerberg’s decision not to take action on incendiary comments posted to the social network by U.S. President Donald Trump. From a report: After the president tweeted a message with the words “when the looting starts, the shooting starts” in response to protests over…

Protesting Mark Zuckerberg Comments About Fact-Checking, Fake News About Mark Zuckerberg Goes Viral

“I don’t think that Facebook or internet platforms in general should be arbiters of truth,” CEO Mark Zuckerberg said Thursday. Since then, Vice reports, “Fake news about Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is being shared widely on the internet, including on his own social network…” Zuckerberg’s quote is particularly confusing because Facebook does fact-check some news posts, and uses a byzantine, third-party…

Google To Begin Reopening Offices July 6, Will Let Employees Expense $1,000 for Equipment While Telecommuting

Google CEO Sundar Pichai told employees Tuesday that the search giant is targeting July 6 to reopen offices for workers that want to come back to in person. The return will be gradual, starting at about 10% building capacity, he said. The company aims to ramp up to 30% capacity by September. From a report: For people who want to continue…

Zuckerberg Urges the West To Counter China’s ‘Dangerous’ Approach To Internet Regulation

An anonymous reader quotes a report from CNBC: Mark Zuckerberg has again sounded the alarm on China, calling out the country’s approach to regulating internet services. The Facebook CEO on Monday said that he was worried about other countries that are looking to replicate the Chinese model, which he labeled “really dangerous.” “What I worry about is, right now I think…

Tesla’s Stock Drops Billions After Elon Musk’s Tweetstorm Friday

Friday Techcrunch reported Elon Musk tweeted to his 33.4 million followers that Tesla’s stock price “was ‘too high’ in his opinion, immediately sending shares into a free fall and in possible violation of an agreement reached with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission last year.” Tesla’s shares plummetted nearly 12% over the next 30 minutes, which reduced Tesla’s valuation by over…

Trump’s Disinfectant Talk Trips Up Sites’ Vows Against Misinformation

Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook’s chief executive, said in March that promoting bleach as a cure for the coronavirus was “misinformation that has imminent risk of danger” and that such messages would immediately be removed from the social network. President Trump has now put Mr. Zuckerberg’s comments to the test. From a report: At a White House briefing last week, Mr. Trump suggested…

Facebook Apps Now Used Monthly By More Than 3 Billion People

Facebook today reported earnings for its first fiscal quarter of 2020, including revenue of $17.74 billion, and net income of $4.9 billion, compared to revenue of $15.1 billion, and net income of $2.43 billion billion in Q1 2019. Year-over-year revenue is up 17%. From a report: In a call with analysts after the close of markets today, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg…

Want To Find a Misinformed Public? Facebook’s Already Done It

Last week, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg wrote a post pledging to combat misinformation about COVID-19 circulating on Facebook. “We’ve taken down hundreds of thousands of pieces of misinformation related to COVID-19, including theories like drinking bleach cures the virus or that physical distancing is ineffective at preventing the disease from spreading,” Zuckerberg wrote. But at the very same time, The Markup…

Facebook Cancels Large In-Person Events Through June 2021

An anonymous reader quotes a report from CNN: Facebook (FB) is canceling all of its planned physical events with 50 or more people through June 2021 due to concerns about the coronavirus pandemic. Some of those events will be held virtually instead, wrote CEO Mark Zuckerberg in a post on his Facebook page on Thursday. Zuckerberg also said the “vast majority”…