A Widespread BlueKeep ‘Exploit’ Is Targetting Unpatched Windows 7/XP Computers

An anonymous reader quotes Forbes:
When Microsoft issued the first patch in years for Windows XP in May 2019, you knew that something big was brewing. That something was a wormable Windows vulnerability that security experts warned could have a similar impact as the WannaCry worm from 2017. The BlueKeep vulnerability exists in unpatched versions of Windows Server 2003, Windows XP, Windows…

‘WannaCry Hero’ Marcus Hutchins Pleads Guilty to Making Banking Malware

The researcher who helped stop the WannaCry ransomware pleaded guilty to two counts of hacking for writing banking malware in 2014.Source: https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/qv7pad/marcus-hutchins-pleads-guilty-banking-malware-wannacry-hero…