Hackers Exploit Websites To Give Them Excellent SEO Before Deploying Malware

schwit1 shares a report from ZDNet: Cyberattackers have turned to search engine optimization (SEO) techniques to deploy malware payloads to as many victims as possible. According to Sophos, the so-called search engine “deoptimization” method includes both SEO tricks and the abuse of human psychology to push websites that have been compromised up Google’s rankings. SEO optimization is used by webmasters to…

Sophisticated New Malware Found on 30,000 Macs Stumps Security Pros

Long-time Slashdot reader b0s0z0ku quotes Ars Technica:
A previously undetected piece of malware found on almost 30,000 Macs worldwide is generating intrigue in security circles, which are still trying to understand precisely what it does and what purpose its self-destruct capability serves. Once an hour, infected Macs check a control server to see if there are any new commands the malware should…

Microsoft Says SolarWinds Hackers Downloaded Some Azure, Exchange, and Intune Source Code

Microsoft’s security team said today it has formally completed its investigation into its SolarWinds-related breach and found no evidence that hackers abused its internal systems or official products to pivot and attack end-users and business customers. From a report: The OS maker began investigating the breach in mid-December after it was discovered that Russian-linked hackers breached software vendor SolarWinds and inserted…

Apple Wins Victory as North Dakota Votes Down Bill That Would Regulate App Stores

The North Dakota state senate voted 36-11 on Tuesday not to pass a bill that would have required app stores to enable software developers to use their own payment processing software and avoid fees charged by Apple and Google. From a report: The vote is a victory for Apple, which says that the App Store is a core part of its…

France Says Russian State Hackers Targeted IT Monitoring Firm Centreon’s Servers in Years-Long Campaign

France’s cyber-security agency said that a group of Russian military hackers, known as the Sandworm group, have been behind a three-years-long operation during which they breached the internal networks of several French entities running the Centreon IT monitoring software. From a report: The attacks were detailed in a technical report released today by Agence Nationale de la Securite des Systemes d’Information,…

Apple Will Proxy Safe Browsing Traffic on iOS 14.5 To Hide User IPs from Google

Apple’s upcoming iOS 14.5 release will ship with a feature that will re-route all Safari’s Safe Browsing traffic through Apple-controlled proxy servers as a workaround to preserve user privacy and prevent Google from learning the IP addresses of iOS users. From a report: The new feature will work only when users activate the “Fraudulent Website Warning” option in the iOS Safari…

Google Boots ‘The Great Suspender’ Off the Chrome Web Store For Being Malware

Google has blocked The Great Suspender extension from the Chrome store “because it contains malware.” The extension was very popular for users running Chrome with 8GB or less of RAM, as it would automatically suspend tabs you hadn’t used in a while, freeing up precious memory and CPU power. It would then allow you to return to the tab and reload…

Hacker Group Inserted Malware In NoxPlayer Android Emulator

A mysterious hacking group has compromised the server infrastructure of a popular Android emulator and has delivered malware to a handful of victims across Asia in a highly-targeted supply chain attack. ZDNet reports: The attack was discovered by Slovak security firm ESET on January 25, last week, and targeted BigNox, a company that makes NoxPlayer, a software client for emulating Android…

Perl.com Domain Stolen, Now Using IP Address of Past Malware Campaigns

“The domain name perl.com was stolen and now points to an IP address associated with malware campaigns,” reports Bleeping Computer: Perl.com is a site owned by Tom Christiansen and has been used since 1997 to post news and articles about the Perl programming language. On January 27th, Perl programming author and Perl.com editor brian d foy tweeted that the perl.com domain…

Police Dismantle World’s ‘Most Dangerous’ Criminal Hacking Network

International law enforcement agencies said on Wednesday they had dismantled a criminal hacking scheme used to steal billions of dollars from businesses and private citizens worldwide. Reuters reports: Police in six European countries, as well as Canada and the United States, completed a joint operation to take control of Internet servers used to run and control a malware network known as…