15 Organic Homemade Plant Food For Your Homestead

You don’t have to spend hundreds of dollars on expensive soil fertilizers. There are dozens of homemade plant food recipes and ingredients you can use to boost plant growth and improve soil health. RELATED: Homemade Fertilizer from Compost 15 Simple, Inexpensive Homemade Plant Food Recipes and Ingredients 1. Baking Soda-Ammonia Plant Food Need a quick…Continue Reading
The post 15 Organic Homemade Plant…

Quantum computation solves an old enigma: Finding the vibrational states of magnesium dimer

High vibrational states of the Magnesium dimer (Mg2) are an important system in studies of fundamental physics, although they have eluded experimental characterization for half a century. Experimental physicists have so far resolved the first 14 vibrational states of Mg2, despite reports that the ground-state may support five additional levels. In a new report, Stephen H. Yuwono and a research team…

New Research Provides Evidence of Strong Early Magnetic Field Around Earth

New research from the University of Rochester provides evidence that the magnetic field that first formed around Earth was even stronger than scientists previously believed. The research, published in the journal PNAS, will help scientists draw conclusions about the sustainability of Earth’s magnetic shield and whether or not there are other planets in the solar system with the conditions necessary to…

How unique is Earth?

Scientists studying white dwarf stars have found that some contain traces of rocky debris very similar in composition to rocks found on Earth. The finding suggests that worlds similar to Earth might be common in our Milky Way galaxy. Source: https://earthsky.org/space/earth-not-unique-rocky-debris-white-dwarf-stars…

Meet WASP-121b, a hot ‘heavy metal’ exoplanet

For the first time, heavy metal gases like magnesium and iron have been detected floating away from an exoplanet, a planet orbiting a distant sun. Why? Because the planet – which is about as big as Jupiter – is orbiting perilously close to its star. Source: https://earthsky.org/space/wasp-121b-exoplanet-football-shaped-heavy-metal…

Distant ‘heavy metal’ gas planet is shaped like a football

The scorching hot exoplanet WASP-121b may not be shredding any heavy metal guitar riffs, but it is sending heavy metals such as iron and magnesium into space. The distant planet’s atmosphere is so hot that metal is vaporizing and escaping the planet’s gravitational pull. The intense gravity of the planet’s host star has also deformed the sizzling planet into a football…

Chandrayaan-2 successfully completes 3rd orbit-raising maneuver

India’s 2nd moon mission, Chandrayaan-2, successfully carried out its 3rd orbit-raising maneuver on Monday. It will soon enter trans-lunar orbit, with the goal of landing on the moon on September 7. Source: https://earthsky.org/space/chandrayaan-2-isro-india-moon-mission…

Table salt compound spotted on Jupiter’s moon Europa

Europa has an ocean, hidden beneath its icy crust. The discovery of sodium chloride – aka table salt – on the moon’s surface might be strong evidence that Europa’s ocean is very similar to Earth’s. Source: https://earthsky.org/space/europa-sodium-chloride-table-salt-ocean…

Rare-Earth metals in the atmosphere of a glowing-hot exoplanet

KELT-9 b is the hottest exoplanet known to date. In the summer of 2018, a joint team of astronomers from the universities of Bern and Geneva found signatures of gaseous iron and titanium in its atmosphere. Now these researchers have also been able to detect traces of vaporized sodium, magnesium, chromium, and the rare-Earth metals scandium and yttrium. Source: https://phys.org/news/2019-05-rare-earth-metals-atmosphere-glowing-hot-exoplanet.html…