Hackers Hide Web Skimmer Behind a Website’s Favicon

In one of the most complex and innovative hacking campaigns detected to date, a hacker group created a fake icons hosting website in order to disguise malicious code meant to steal payment card data from hacked websites. From a report: The operation is what security researchers refer to these days as a web skimming, e-skimming, or a Magecart attack. Hackers breach…

Hackers Looking Into Injecting Card Stealing Code on Routers, Rather Then Websites

Security researchers at IBM have found evidence that hackers have been working on creating malicious scripts they can deploy on commercial-grade “Layer 7” routers to steal payment card details. From a report: This discovery is a game-changer in what researchers call Magecart attacks, also known as web skimming. These are attacks where hackers plant malicious code on an online store that…