Pirate Bay Founder Warns US Govt Against Mafia-Esque Copyright Lobby

One of the original founders of The Pirate Bay, Peter Sunde, is warning against the power American corporations have on the internet. After several copyright industry groups reported Sunde’s domain registration service Njalla to the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR), branding it a “notorious market,” Sunde wrote a letter to the USTR, not to defend Njalla but to warn against the threat…

On Twitter, President Trump Tries — and Fails — To Target Comcast

“President Trump on Saturday told his Twitter and Facebook followers to drop Comcast…” reports CNN — adding that “For the most part, people just shrugged.”
Comcast executives barely batted any eyelashes. The company didn’t bother to comment. And Google searches for “Comcast customer service” trended lower than in recent days… Saturday’s anti-Comcast post received fewer than 10,000 retweets in 10 hours. On…

How a Fake Murder-For-Hire Site Led To Real Convictions

Harper’s profiles sys-admin Chris Monteiro, who moonlights as a white-hat hacker monitoring dark web sites claiming to offer murder-for-hire services. For example, he tipped off one local police department to a $5,000 bitcoin payment someone made to try to arrange the murder of a teenaged girl on a site run by someone named “Yura”. [U]sers set up an anonymous account, select…