Mysterious Avid Issue Knocks Out Mac Pro Workstations Across Hollywood

A possible computer virus attack has knocked out Mac Pro workstations for many film and TV editors across Los Angeles. According to Variety, the issue — which is causing the workstations to refuse to reboot — is widespread among users of Mac Pro computers running older versions of Apple’s operating system as well as Avid’s Media Composer software. From the report:…

Ask Slashdot: Why Doesn’t the Internet In 2019 Use More Interactive 3D?

dryriver writes: For the benefit of those who are not much into 3D technologies, as far back as the year 2000 and even earlier, there was excitement about “Web3D” — interactive 3D content embedded in HTML webpages, using technologies like VRML and ShockWave 3D. 2D vector-based Flash and Flash animation was a big deal back then. Very popular with internet users….

Ask Slashdot: What Would Computing Look Like Today If the Amiga Had Survived?

dryriver writes: The Amiga was a remarkable machine at the time it was released — 1985. It had a multitasking capable GUI-driven OS and a mouse. It had a number of cleverly designed custom chips that gave the Amiga amazing graphics and sound capabilities far beyond the typical IBM/DOS PCs of its time. The Amiga was the multimedia beast of its…

Apple Confirms $1 Million Reward For Anyone Who Can Hack An iPhone

Apple says it will offer up to $1 million for hackers who can find vulnerabilities in iPhones and Macs. “That’s up from $200,000, and in the fall the program will be open to all researchers,” reports Forbes. “Previously only those on the company’s invite-only bug bounty program were eligible to receive rewards.” From the report: As Forbes reported on Monday, Apple…

Apple’s AWDL Protocol Plagued By Flaws That Enable Tracking and MitM Attacks

Apple Wireless Direct Link (AWDL), a protocol installed on over 1.2 billion Apple devices, contains vulnerabilities that enable attackers to track users, crash devices, or intercept files transferred between devices via man-in-the-middle (MitM) attacks. From a report: These are the findings of a research project that started last year at the Technical University of Darmstadt, in Germany, and has recently concluded,…

Apple Pushes a Silent Mac Update To Remove Hidden Zoom Web Server

Apple has released a silent update for Mac users removing a vulnerable component in Zoom, the popular video conferencing app, which allowed websites to automatically add a user to a video call without their permission. TechCrunch reports: The Cupertino, Calif.-based tech giant told TechCrunch that the update — now released — removes the hidden web server, which Zoom quietly installed on…