Illegal Tampering By Diesel Pickup Owners Is Worsening Pollution, EPA Says

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The New York Times: The owners and operators of more than half a million diesel pickup trucks have been illegally disabling their vehicles’ emissions control technology over the past decade, allowing excess emissions equivalent to 9 million extra trucks on the road, a new federal report has concluded. The practice, described in a report…

Vaping Illnesses Linked To Vitamin E Acetate, CDC Says

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The New York Times: Vitamin E acetate, an ingredient added to THC-based products, has been identified as a “very strong culprit” in the vaping-related lung injuries (Warning: source may be paywalled; alternative source) that have sickened 2,051 people and killed more than three dozen, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said on Friday….

Cases of Vaping-Related Lung Illness Surge, Health Officials Say

Medical experts and federal health officials on Friday warned the public about the dangers of vaping and discouraged using the devices as the number of people with a severe lung illness linked to vaping has more than doubled to 450 possible cases in 33 states. The New York Times reports: The number of deaths linked to vaping rose to four from…

Two people have died from lung disease after vaping – what’s going on?

Two people in the US have died and hundreds more have had severe lung conditions that are thought to be related to vaping – but officials are still unsure of the exact cause Source:…

Three people have now died from lung disease after vaping

Three people in the US have died and hundreds more have had severe lung conditions that are thought to be related to vaping – but officials are still unsure of the exact cause Source:…