Should We Build A Publicly-Funded Social Media Platform?

What if the problems with social media just can’t be solved by a for-profit platform? Writing in the New York Times, a former Tumblr executive argues the solution might require the creation of a nonprofit publicly-funded social media platform. The mechanics of how a public social media product would work have been fairly well figured out by now: It would be…

Was Venus ever habitable?

Today, Venus is hot, dry … hellish. But maybe not always. Scientists created 5 new computer simulations of Venus, all with some water coverage. All 5 models showed Venus as stable, temperate and with some water for 3 billion years. Source:…

Hypersexual disorder linked to genes that regulate love hormone

People with excessive sexual fantasies and urges have different gene expressions that seem to affect how the “love hormone” oxytocin is regulated Source:…

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine ‘Nog’ Actor Aron Eisenberg Has Died at 50

An anonymous reader quotes CNET: Actor Aron Eisenberg, who played Nog on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, died Saturday at age 50, his wife Malíssa Longo posted on Facebook. “He was an intelligent, humble, funny, emphatic soul,” Longo wrote. “He sought to live his life with integrity and truth. He was so driven to put the best he had into whatever…

Plastic Mulching: Save Garden From Weeds & Boost Harvest

Get a headstart on your garden with plastic mulching. Suppress weeds, conserve water, and boost crop production with this wonderful gardening solution. Plastic Mulching: Save Garden From Weeds & Boost Harvest Spring comes without fail every year, it is some many of us enjoy and can hardly wait for it to arrive. Spring is the…Continue Reading
The post Plastic Mulching: Save Garden…

Discord is Axing its Nitro Games Catalog Since Almost Nobody Plays Them

Almost a year ago, Discord launched its own games store and overhauled the Nitro subscription service to offer access to a library of games in addition to other chat and server related perks. From a report: The app’s store has gone through several changes over the year, with games ultimately being sold directly through developers’ Discord servers instead of the original…

Plastic pollution has entered fossil record, says study

A new study has found that plastic pollution is being deposited into the fossil record, with deposits increasing exponentially since 1945. Source:…

Jack Ma Steps Down On 20th Birthday of Alibaba

Jack Ma has stepped down from the position of chairman at the company he co-founded exactly 20 years ago. Ma announced his retirement plans last year, saying at the time he wanted to spend more time focusing on education. ZDNet reports: Ma bid farewell to Alibaba, sporting a rock star wig and guitar at an employee event Tuesday, according to Reuters….

How Sandra went from managing a restaurant to managing IT

My name is Sandra and I completed the Google IT Support Professional Certificate Program on Coursera. Prior to completing the Professional Certificate program, I was a restaurant manager. Now I’m an IT Consultant at a great company in Virginia.  I have never worked in the IT field before but my interest for IT began at […]
The post How Sandra went from…

How to Amend Clay Soil | The Homesteader’s Guide

Need to know how to amend clay soil? Don’t let tough clay soil get you down. Amending clay soil is easy. This Homesteader’s Guide will show you everything you need to know about clay soil, plants for clay soil, and how to amend clay soil. How to Amend Clay Soil What is Clay Soil? As mentioned,…Continue Reading
The post How to Amend Clay…