Newfound superconductor material could be the ‘silicon of quantum computers’

A potentially useful material for building quantum computers has been unearthed at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), whose scientists have found a superconductor that could sidestep one of the primary obstacles standing in the way of effective quantum logic circuits. …

Are Nanosheet Transistor the Next (and Maybe Last) Step in Moore’s Law?

An anonymous reader quotes IEEE Spectrum:
Making smaller, better transistors for microprocessors is getting more and more difficult, not to mention fantastically expensive. Only Intel, Samsung, and Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. (TSMC) are equipped to operate at this frontier of miniaturization. They are all manufacturing integrated circuits at the equivalent of what is called the 7-nanometer node… Right now, 7 nm is…

Will Machine Learning Build Up Dangerous ‘Intellectual Debt’?

Long-time Slashdot reader JonZittrain is an international law professor at Harvard Law School, and an EFF board member. Wednesday he contacted us to share his new article in the New Yorker: I’ve been thinking about what happens when AI gives us seemingly correct answers that we wouldn’t have thought of ourselves, without any theory to explain them. These answers are a…

Siemens Contractor Pleads Guilty To Planting Logic Bomb In Company Spreadsheets

Former Siemens contractor David Tinley faces up to 10 years in prison, a fine of $250,000, or both, for planting logic bombs inside spreadsheets he created for the company. The logic bomb would crash spreadsheets after a certain date, resulting in Siemens hiring the contractor to fix the latest bugs. ZDNet reports: According to court documents, Tinley provided software services for…

A Clue To the Reason for Women’s Pervasive Car-Safety Problem

Women are far more likely to suffer serious injuries in a car crash. From a report: The danger divide was first quantified in a 2011 study out of the University of Virginia, which found that for men and women who wore seatbelts, women were nearly 50 percent more likely to be seriously or fatally injured in a crash. And now it’s…

Samsung-Backed Researchers Develop a Ternary Semiconductor

“Future semiconductors may perform logic with 0, 1, or 2 instead of the current binary system of 0 and 1,” reports ZDNet: A South Korean research team has successfully realised an energy-efficient ternary metal-oxide semiconductor on a large-sized wafer. Professor Kyung Rok Kim of UNIST’s Electrical & Computer Engineering Department and his team successfully created a semiconductor that operates in a…

Quantum Leap From Australian Research Promises Super-Fast Computing Power

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Guardian: Simmons, a former Australian of the Year, and her team at the University of New South Wales announced in a paper published in Nature journal on Thursday that they have been able to achieve the first two-qubit gate between atom qubits in silicon, allowing them to communicate with each other at a…

Limitation exposed in promising quantum computing material

Quantum computers promise to perform operations of great importance believed to be impossible for our technology today. Current computers process information via transistors carrying one of two units of information, either a 1 or a 0. Quantum computing is based on the quantum mechanical behavior of the logic unit. Each quantum unit, or “qubit,” can exist in a quantum superposition rather…