Intel Says It Is Delivering More Than 90% of Products on Time

Intel, the world’s biggest chipmaker, said it’s maintaining above 90% on-time delivery of its products from factories worldwide. From a report: Chief Executive Officer Bob Swan told customers in a letter posted on the company’s website that he is “inspired by the deep commitment of our teams to sustain our manufacturing, assembly, test and supply chain operations in Oregon, New Mexico,…

In Fast-Moving Pandemic, Sources of Falsehoods Spread by Text, Email, WhatsApp and TikTok Elude Authorities

Misleading text messages claiming that President Trump was going to announce a national quarantine buzzed into cellphones across the country over the weekend, underscoring how rapidly false claims are spreading — and how often it is happening beyond the familiar misinformation vehicles of Facebook and Twitter. From a report: The false texts spread so widely that on Sunday night the White…

Will Coronavirus Lockdowns Bring a Drop in Air-Pollution Related Deaths?

The World Health Organization believes air pollution kills seven million people each year. But will this year be different? Forbes reports:
The global lockdown inspired by the novel coronavirus, COVID-19, has shuttered factories and reduced travel, slashing lethal pollution including the greenhouse gases that are heating the climate. The lockdown may save more lives from pollution reduction than are threatened by the…

Italy on full lockdown to slow the spread of coronavirus

The Italian government has put the entire population of 60 million people on lockdown. People must limit travel except for work or medical reasons, or risk prison or a fine Source:…

Seattle’s Patient Zero Spread Coronavirus Despite Ebola-Style Lockdown

First known U.S. case offers lessons in how and how not to fight the outbreak. From a report: The man who would become Patient Zero for the new coronavirus outbreak in the U.S. appeared to do everything right. He arrived Jan. 19 at an urgent-care clinic in a suburb north of Seattle with a slightly elevated temperature and a cough he’d…

Malaysian Firm Offers AI-Based Profiling of Chinese Visitors for Virus

Malaysia’s MYEG Services said on Wednesday it had developed a coronavirus risk-profiling system for visitors from China and was offering the artificial intelligence-based service to the governments of Malaysia and the Philippines. From a report: Malaysia has imposed a temporary ban on visitors from Chinese provinces placed on lockdown by the China’s government, in a bid to stem the spread of…

Tim Sweeney: Android is a Fake Open System, and iOS is Worse

Epic Games CEO Tim Sweeney opened a game event in Las Vegas today with a call to make the industry more open and liberate it from the monopolistic practices of platform owners such as Google and Apple. From a report: In a talk about his vision for games in the next decade, Sweeney alternated between criticizing all of the big players…

What life is like in Wuhan during the coronavirus lockdown

Deserted streets, lines at pharmacies and overwhelmed hospitals – what life is like at the heart of China’s coronavirus epidemic Source:…