40 Years Later, Lessons From the Rise and Quick Decline of the First ‘Killer App’

It was the first killer app, the spark for Apple’s early success and a trigger for the broader PC boom that vaulted Microsoft to its central position in business computing. And within a few years, it was tech-industry roadkill. From a report: The story of VisiCalc, a humble spreadsheet program that set the tech world ablaze 40 years ago, has reverberated…

We Asked, You Answered: The Top 10 Learning Hacks from edX Learners

We took to social media to ask edX learners to share their best learning hacks: tried and true ways to make the most of their learning and studying experience. Keep reading for the top 10 trends we picked up from their responses. 1) Bite-sized learning A popular learning hack was breaking large concepts down into smaller, more digestible pieces. When faced with…

Senator Rubio Targets Huawei Over Patents

hackingbear writes: While intellectual property violation is a major accusation against China in the on-going US-China trade war, U.S. Senator Marco Rubio filed legislation on Monday that would prevent Huawei from seeking damages in U.S. patent courts, after the Chinese firm demanded that Verizon Communications pay $1 billion to license the rights to patented technology. Under the amendment — seen by…

Google Launches Chrome Extension For Flagging Bad URLs To the Safe Browsing Team

Google today launched a new Chrome extension that will simplify the process of reporting a malicious site to the Google Safe Browsing team so that it can be analyzed, reviewed, and blacklisted in Chrome and other browsers that support the Safe Browsing API. From a report: Named the Suspicious Site Reporter, this extension adds an icon to the Google Chrome toolbar…

Microsoft’s To-Do App Comes To Mac

Microsoft has released To-Do for Mac, finally giving Apple users access to the task management tool on their desktops. The Mac app will allow users to work offline, view their upcoming tasks under “My Day,” share to-do lists with friends and colleagues and see flagged emails. From a report: “Today, we’d like to announce the arrival of a new family member…