Arctic ice loss exposes sea mammals to deadly virus

Scientists have linked melting Arctic sea ice to the emergence of a deadly virus among sea lions, ice seals, sea otters and other marine mammals. Source:…

This ancient rhino roamed the Yukon

Fossils suggest that a long-extinct cousin of today’s rhinoceroses tromped through the forests of Northwest Canada roughly 8 to 9 million years ago. Source:…

Seals remember what they just did – but only for about 18 seconds

Seals and sea lions can repeat their last action on command, as long as they are asked to do so within 18 seconds , hinting at a degree of self-awareness Source:…

Why Knights Fought Snails in Illuminated Medieval Manuscripts

The snail may leave a trail of slime behind him, but a little slime will do a man no harm… whilst if you dance with dragons, you must expect to burn. – George R. R. Martin, The Mystery Knight As any Game of Thrones fan knows, being a knight has its downsides. It isn’t all […]

Why Knights Fought Snails in Illuminated…