Interstellar Space Even Weirder Than Expected, NASA Probe Reveals

New submitter paralumina01 shares a report from National Geographic: In the blackness of space billions of miles from home, NASA’s Voyager 2 marked a milestone of exploration, becoming just the second spacecraft ever to enter interstellar space in November 2018. Now, a day before the anniversary of that celestial exit, scientists have revealed what Voyager 2 saw as it crossed the…

The agony of not knowing: How to cope with the world’s uncertainty

Living in limbo can be excruciating, whether it’s waiting for a pregnancy test, the next Brexit blow or wondering what’s making your partner late. Fortunately there are ways to build resilience Source:…

Brexit, exams, trying for a baby: How to cope when life is in limbo

Living with uncertainty can be excruciating, whether it’s climate change, the next Brexit blow or wondering what’s making your partner late. Fortunately there are ways to build resilience Source:…