Elon Musk’s Boring Company Wins Contract To Build Las Vegas Tunnel

Elon Musk’s Boring Company now has a paying customer. “Late Wednesday, the board of directors of the Las Vegas Conventions and Visitors Authority voted to grant a $48,675,000 contract to the Boring Company to build a 0.83-mile, three-station version of the company’s Loop mass-transit system inside of Vegas’ sprawling, revamped convention center, which is currently under construction,” reports Wired. From the…

See Beresheet spacecraft’s impact site on moon

NASA released before and after images of the spot on the moon where Israel’s Beresheet spacecraft crash-landed on April 11. Source: https://earthsky.org/space/see-beresheet-spacecraft-impact-crash-site-moon…

Polaris is the North Star

Many people think Polaris is the sky’s brightest star. In fact, Polaris ranks only 50th in brightness. Still, Polaris is famous because the entire northern sky wheels around it. Source: https://earthsky.org/brightest-stars/polaris-the-present-day-north-star…

Amazon Updates Alexa To Guard Your House and Listen For Broken Glass, Smoke Alarm

Amazon is rolling out an update to Alexa that will turn the company’s line of smart home products into home security devices while the user is out. Called “Alexa Guard,” the feature will have your smart speakers listen for key sounds, including breaking glass and smoke and carbon monoxide alarms. If the Echo hears the noise, it will send you an…

1st quarter moon is May 11-12

The 1st quarter moon comes on May 12 at 1:12 UTC. At European and American time zones, you’ll find it high up at sunset on May 10 and 11. It appears nearly or completely half-illuminated, like half a pie. Source: https://earthsky.org/moon-phases/first-quarter…

Young moon and Mars after sunset May 6, 7, 8

On May 6, 7 and 8, 2019, watch for the young crescent moon to pass by the planet Mars. Just don’t mistake the star Elnath for Mars. Elnath is the 2nd-brightest star in Taurus the Bull. Source: https://earthsky.org/tonight/young-moon-mars-after-sunset-may-6-8…

10 ways to accelerate progress against climate change

Source: https://www.vox.com/2018/10/10/17952334/climate-change-global-warming-un-ipcc-report-solutions-carbon-tax-electric-vehicles…

Nintendo Updates the Switch With a Critical Feature for Visually Impaired Gamers

Every major console now comes with the ability to zoom in, a critical feature for many users.Source: https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/7xg9bx/nintendo-updates-the-switch-with-a-critical-feature-for-visually-impaired-gamers…