This week’s Venus and Neptune conjunction

The Venus-Neptune in conjunction on January 27 was the closest planetary conjunction of 2020. But – because Neptune is so faint – it wasn’t easy to capture. Plus a star near Venus confused people! Source:…

How to see stars and tackle light pollution in your own backyard

The dark skies of the great outdoors help people to see the wonders of space, either with the naked eye or using telescopes. That’s why observatories are usually placed in high altitudes or remote locations, where there’s often outstanding natural beauty and little light pollution. Source:…

Pleiades star cluster, aka Seven Sisters

The Pleiades star cluster – aka the Seven Sisters or M45 – is visible from virtually every part of the globe. It looks like a tiny misty dipper of stars. Source:…

All you need to know: Taurid meteors

Although a modest shower, perhaps offering 5 meteors per hour, the Taurid shower lasts over a month and is known for producing dramatic fireballs. Source:…

Uranus closest to Earth on October 27

The planet Uranus, 7th planet outward from the sun, comes closest to Earth for the year on October 27, 2019. It reaches opposition – when it’s most directly opposite the sun as viewed from Earth – on October 28. Source:…