Droplets of these simple molecules may have helped kick-start life on Earth

Simple molecules called alpha hydroxy acids form cell-sized structures in conditions mimicking early Earth chemistry. Source: https://www.sciencenews.org/article/droplets-acid-molecules-may-have-helped-kick-start-life-earth4…

Southern right whale moms and calves may whisper to evade orcas

Mother-calf whale pairs call to each other quietly to stay in touch while avoiding attracting the attention of predators, a study suggests. Source: https://www.sciencenews.org/article/southern-right-whale-moms-calves-may-whisper-evade-orcas4…

Some ancient crocodiles may have chomped on plants instead of meat

Fossil teeth of extinct crocodilyforms suggest that some ate plants and that herbivory evolved at least three times in crocs of the Mesozoic Era. Source: https://www.sciencenews.org/article/ancient-crocodiles-plants-meat4…