Libertarian Accused of Faking 1.5M Net Neutrality Comments Using Data-Breached Addresses

BuzzFeed says they’ve identified two firms which “misappropriated names and personal information as part of a bid to submit more than 1.5 million statements” pretending to oppose net neutrality regulations: The anti-net neutrality comments harvested on behalf of Broadband for America, the industry group that represented telecommunications giants including AT&T, Cox, and Comcast, were uploaded to the FCC website by Media…

John McAfee Hides in Cuba, Touts Cryptocurrency For Evading US Government’s Sanctions

“On the run from U.S. tax authorities, tech guru John McAfee puffs a cigar aboard his towering white yacht in a Havana harbor,” reports Reuters, “and says he can help Cuba evade the U.S. government too — by launching a cryptocurrency that defeats a U.S. trade embargo.” Long-time Slashdot reader Aighearach shared their report: McAfee in an interview touted the anonymity…