US Senate Amends EARN IT Act — To Let States Restrict Encryption

Long-time Slashdot reader stikves reminded us that a committee in the U.S. Senate passed an amended version of the “EARN IT” act on Thursday. And this new version could do more than just end personal end-to-end encryption, warns Engadget: The other major concern opponents of the EARN IT Act raise has to do with Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act,…

Chinese Government Authorities Criticized For Stifling Early Response To Coronavirus

A coronavirus has now infected over 14,380 people worldwide and killed at least 304 people in China, reports the New York Times. But they also note that when the first symptoms appeared in December, Chinese authorities “silenced doctors and others for raising red flags.”
They played down the dangers to the public, leaving the city’s 11 million residents unaware they should protect…