Arctic ice melt changing major ocean current

A major ocean current in the Arctic is faster and more turbulent as a result of rapid sea ice melt, according to a new study. Source:…

22 Million Pounds of Plastics Enter the Great Lakes Each Year

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Chicago Tribune: Plastic debris makes up about 80% of the litter on Great Lakes shorelines. Nearly 22 million pounds enter the Great Lakes each year — more than half of which pours into Lake Michigan, according to estimates calculated by the Rochester Institute of Technology. Regardless of size, as plastics linger in the water,…

A mussel poop diet could fuel invasive carp’s spread across Lake Michigan

Asian carp, just a human-made waterway away from reaching Lake Michigan, could live in much more of the lake than previously thought. Source:…

Wisconsin Is Fighting to Renegotiate Its Foxconn Deal

Foxconn’s controversial plant in Mount Pleasant, Wisconsin has faced resistance from the beginning. Now, Governor Evers is calling on the tech-manufacturing company to renegotiate.Source:…

Mysterious UFOs Return to Manitowoc and the Lake Michigan Triangle

For those accustomed to short, blurry videos of alleged UFOs with little or no explanation of the location, circumstances, names of witnesses, amounts of adult beverages consumed, etc, a video posted this week of a UFO over Lake Michigan is a breath of fresh air … or at least as fresh as the air might… Continue reading Mysterious UFOs Return to Manitowoc and the Lake Michigan Triangle