At Trump’s Florida Resort Empire, a Quiet Effort to Eliminate an Undocumented Work Force

A large immigrant work force helps run Mr. Trump’s resorts, an embarrassing reality for a president who has railed against undocumented migrants. Source:

U.S. Wants to Allow More Foreign Workers While Also Restricting Immigration

The move to expand the H-2B visa program appeared to clash with the Trump administration’s repeated message about a crisis on the southern border. Source:

Modern Monetary Theory Finds an Embrace in an Unexpected Place: Wall Street

M.M.T.’s fans include Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Bernie Sanders — and financial analysts at Goldman Sachs, Nomura and GMO. Source:

One Trump Victory: Companies Rethink China

The trade war is nearing a possible truce, but global companies are nevertheless moving to reduce their dependence on Chinese factories to make the world’s goods. Source:

Short of Workers, U.S. Builders and Farmers Crave More Immigrants

As a tight labor market raises costs, employers say the need for low-wage help can’t be met by the declining ranks of the native-born. Source: