America’s IRS Wants Cryptocurrency Exchanges Declared on Tax Forms

America’s dreaded tax-collecting agency is sending “a strong warning to millions of crypto holders who aren’t complying with the law that they must file required forms,” reports the Wall Street Journal. The front page of this year’s tax forms — just below “Name” and “Address” — will ask filers to declare whether they’ve received or exchanged any virtual currencies. The Journal…

Personal Information of Roughly 46,000 Veterans Exposed In VA Hack

An anonymous reader quotes a report from CNN: The Department of Veterans Affairs said Monday that roughly 46,000 veterans had their personal information, including Social Security numbers, exposed in a data breach in which “unauthorized users” gained access to an online application used for making health care payments. A preliminary review of the incident indicated that the hackers accessed the application…

MediaLab Buys Kik

The Kik Messenger app has officially been acquired by U.S.-based holding company MediaLab. The news comes just one day before the app was scheduled to shut down. From a report: The blog post noted that MediaLab plans to keep the app alive and also outlines ideas it has to improve the app moving forward. It is noted that the acquiring company…

Apple Reverses Ban On App That Allowed Hong Kong Protestors to Track Police Movements

UPDATE (10/4/2019): “Apple has reportedly reversed its decision to ban the app,” reports BoingBoing. Apple had banned the app, which allows Hong Kong protesters to track protests and police movements in the city state, despite increasing international condemnation against the violence used by the authorities, MacRumors had reported: According to The Register, Apple has told the makers of the HKmap…

Messaging App Kik Shuts Down as Company Focuses on Kin, Its Cryptocurrency

Kik Interactive CEO Ted Livingston has announced that the company is shutting down Kik Messenger to focus on its cryptocurrency Kin, the target of a lawsuit filed by the Securities and Exchange Commission. From a report: The company’s team will be reduced to 19 people, a reduction that will affect over 100 employees, as it focuses on converting more Kin users…

The ‘World’s Safest’ Bike Helmet Has A Built-in Airbag

H&âOEouml;vding spent four years developing their next-generation bicycle helmet, the Metro reports: Easier to use, adjustable and enabled with Bluetooth technology, the helmet, according to H&âOEouml;vding ‘s CEO Frederik Carling, is the world’s safest. Donning advanced airbag tech and functions such as the ability to contact next-of-kin in the event of an accident, Frederik and the team spent years surveying people…