Parents Are Spending Thousands On YouTube Camps That Teach Kids How To Be Famous

An anonymous reader quotes a report from the Daily Dot: Various YouTube summer camps have begun launching across the nation, designed to turn regular elementary and middle-school-aged children into bonfire internet sensations. Per a recent report from the Wall Street Journal, parents are spending nearly $1,000 dollars a week for their children to learn how to create branded social media-related content….

The parenting myth: How kids are raised matters less than you think

DNA is more important to a child’s personality, exam results and future income than the way they are brought up – but that’s good news, says geneticist Robert Plomin Source:…

10-Year-Old’s Reality-Show Victory Revoked After Automated Bot Voting

An anonymous reader quotes ABC News:
The final result of Russia’s version of the popular TV singing talent show, “The Voice Kids,” has been cancelled after it was found that thousands of automated calls and text messages were used to rig voting in favor of its 10-year-old winner. Moscow-based cybersecurity firm Group-IB was brought in to examine the results after complaints were…

‘Treat Facebook Like Big Tobacco’

Instead of regulating Facebook like a traditional telecom or media company, Bloomberg Opinion columnist Elaine Ou argues “Facebook should be regulated the same way as other vices like tobacco, alcohol and gambling”: Facebook achieved outsize market share with an addictive product. A competing platform would need to do an even better job of exploiting psychological vulnerability to topple the incumbent. But…

Startup ‘ObEN’ Is Betting the Future On Personal AI Avatars

merbs shares an excerpt from a Gizmodo report: In January 2019, when China Central Television, the largest broadcast network in the most populous nation in the world, aired a special to celebrate the Lunar New Year, the hosts welcomed four life-sized “personal artificial intelligences” to share the stage with them. Called PAIs, they were three-dimensional holographic replicas of the presenters that…

Brain Scans Reveal A ‘Pokemon Region’ In Adults Who Played As Kids

“By scanning the brains of adults who played Pokemon as kids, researchers learned that this group of people have a brain region that responds more to the cartoon characters than to other pictures,” reports the Verge. “More importantly, this charming research method has given us new insight into how the brain organizes visual information.” For the study, published Monday in the…

When is the next Blue Moon?

You might know the definition of Blue Moon as the 2nd of 2 full moons in a calendar month. But there’s another kind of Blue Moon … coming up on May 18, 2019. Source:…

‘I Don’t Think a Four-Year Degree is Necessary To Be Proficient at Coding’, Tim Cook Says

An anonymous reader shares a report: Earlier this week, Apple CEO Tim Cook visited an Apple Store in Orlando, Florida to meet with 16-year-old Liam Rosenfeld, one of 350 scholarship winners who will be attending Apple’s annual Worldwide Developers Conference next month. Echoing comments he shared with the Orlando Sentinel, Cook told TechCrunch’s Matthew Panzarino that it is “pretty impressive” what…

7 things we’ve learned about Earth since the last Earth Day
