Facial Recognition Deployed on Children at Hundreds of US Summer Camps

The Washington Post describes a parent whose phone “rings 10 times a day with notifications from the summer camp’s facial-recognition service, which alerts him whenever one of his girls is photographed enjoying their newfound independence.” Cory Doctorow reports:
You can also call your kid if you think they look unhappy or if you are unsatisfied with them in any way and nag…

Ask Slashdot: Why Do Popular Websites Have Bad UI Navigation?

A while back some “bored developers and designers” started uploading their ideas for the worst volume control interface in the world. But now Slashdot reader dryriver asks a more serious question: You follow a news story on CNN or BBC or FoxNews or Reuters. The frontpage of the news site changes so frequently that you wish there was a “News Timeline”…

Coursera Expands Leadership in Content Strategy and University Partnerships

By Dil Sidhu, Chief Content Officer at Coursera Shira Lee Katz joins us as Head of Content Strategy and Business Insights; Nick LaRusso appointed as Head of University Partnerships Coursera’s learner community is growing rapidly — together with 190 university and industry partners, we now serve more than 42 million learners across the globe. In […]
The post Coursera Expands Leadership in…

EFF Argues For ‘Empowerment, Not Censorship’ Online

An activism director and a legislative analyst at the EFF have co-authored an essay arguing that the key to children’s safetly online “is user empowerment, not censorship,” reporting on a recent hearing by the U.S. Senate’s Judiciary Commitee: While children do face problems online, some committee members seemed bent on using those problems as an excuse to censor the Internet and…

Are Millennials Spending Too Much Money On Coffee?

An anonymous reader quotes the Atlantic:
Suze Orman wants young people to stop “peeing” away millions of dollars on coffee. Last month, the personal-finance celebrity ignited a controversy on social media when a video she starred in for CNBC targeted a familiar villain: kids these days and their silly $5 lattes. Because brewing coffee at home is less expensive, Orman argued, purchasing…

Vega and its constellation Lyra

The Summer Triangle consists of 3 bright stars in 3 different constellations. The brightest is Vega in the constellation Lyra. Source: https://earthsky.org/tonight/summer-triangle-vega-and-its-constellation-lyra-2…

Google Unveils ‘Code With Google,’ Awards $1 Million To CS Teachers Group

theodp writes: TechCrunch reports that Google kicked off the 2019 Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA) Conference in style with the announcement of Code with Google, a new coding resource for teachers which collects Google’s own free course curriculum on teaching computer science and coding. Google also announced a $1 million grant to the teachers group alongside the unveiling of Code with…

Teaching AIs to make mistakes like kids would make them learn faster

AIs don’t think like children, but if they made a common assumption that children use whilst learning a language they would become better faster Source: https://www.newscientist.com/article/2208277-teaching-ais-to-make-mistakes-like-kids-would-make-them-learn-faster/?utm_campaign=RSS%7CNSNS&utm_source=NSNS&utm_medium=RSS&utm_content=home…