LucasFilm President Answers The Burning ‘Star Wars’ Question: What’s Next?

66-year-old Lucasfilm President Kathleen Kennedy reveals what they’ll do after Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. Kennedy says that streaming “is a really important transition… What we’ve been focused on these last five or six years is finishing that family saga around the Skywalkers. Now is the time to start thinking about how to segue into something new and different.” Kennedy…

Kevin Feige Finally Wants to Make Good on the MCU Tying Film and TV Worlds Together

The Marvel Cinematic Universe is no stranger to the thought of tying together the vast storytelling of its series of films with television projects. But it’s no stranger to…well, basically abandoning a lot of the pretense behind that thought, either. But after Avengers: Endgame, and with the arrival of Disney+, it …Read more… Source:…

Kevin Feige Discusses WandaVision and The Falcon and the Winter Soldier Series Coming to Disney+ [Updated]

Marvel head Kevin Feige took to the stage at today’s Disney Investor Day to talk about how the new Disney+ streaming service will factor into the future of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Read more… Source:

When Asked About Marvel LGBTQ Heroes, Kevin Feige Says He Wants All Fans to ‘See Themselves Reflected’

Rumor has it Marvel Studios’ upcoming film, The Eternals, could feature the first openly gay character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. No one has confirmed that yet and, in fact, no one has formally confirmed The Eternals is even happening. However, at the recent junket for Avengers: Endgame, we asked Marvel Studios… Read more… Source:… Continue reading When Asked About Marvel LGBTQ Heroes, Kevin Feige Says He Wants All Fans to ‘See Themselves Reflected’

There’s a Good Reason Why the Avengers’ White Suits Are in Endgame’s Marketing

So far, the trailers for Avengers: Endgame have given us almost nothing. We know a lot of people are dead, we know the Avengers are sad and have a plan, but that’s kind of it. However, there are those intriguing white suits everyone is wearing, which seem more than a little significant. Read more… Source:… Continue reading There’s a Good Reason Why the Avengers’ White Suits Are in Endgame’s Marketing

Kevin Feige Is Just Happy James Gunn Is Back on Guardians Vol. 3

Not much is official when it comes to Marvel Studios’ plans after Avengers: Endgame. Two things that are, though: Spider-Man: Far From Home, which is out in July, and a third Guardians of the Galaxy movie which, as you well know, has been a whole other headache. Read more… Source:

Marvel Studios Has a 5-Year Phase 4 Plan That (Probably) Does Not Include the X-Men

After making 22 movies that tell one cohesive story, while grossing almost $20 billion worldwide along the way, what’s Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige doing next? The same thing all over again—with a whole new set of toys. Read more… Source:

Avengers: Endgame’s Runtime Is the Least Interesting Thing About the Film, According to Kevin Feige

Yes, it’s true. Avengers: Endgame is three hours long, making it the longest Marvel movie to date. You’d have to be living under a rock to have not heard some rumblings about that fact. And, according to Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige, it’s the least interesting thing about this conclusion to Marvel’s first 10-… Read… Continue reading Avengers: Endgame’s Runtime Is the Least Interesting Thing About the Film, According to Kevin Feige