Former Uber Exec Charged With Paying ‘Hush Money’ To Conceal Massive Breach

Federal prosecutors have charged Uber’s former chief security officer with covering up a massive 2016 data breach by arranging a $100,000 payoff to the hackers responsible for the attack. The personal data of 57 million Uber passengers and drivers was stolen in the hack. NPR reports: Prosecutors are charging the former executive Joe Sullivan with obstructing justice and concealing a felony…

Tesla Accuses Rivian of Poaching Employees, Stealing Secrets

According to a new lawsuit first reported by Bloomberg, Tesla alleges that four of its former workers took highly sensitive proprietary information as they left to work for the rival EV startup Rivian. The Verge reports: Tesla even claims Rivian is “knowingly encouraging” this behavior, and it is seeking unspecified punitive damages for what it alleges is “despicable, wanton, oppressive, willful,…

Uber Settles Federal Investigation Into Workplace Culture

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The New York Times: In 2017, a former Uber employee wrote a public essay describing how the ride-hailing company had permitted sexual harassment to fester at the workplace. The revelations led to an outcry over Uber’s toxic culture. Federal authorities and others began investigations into the company. More than 20 employees were later fired…