The US-China Battle Over the Internet Goes Under the Sea

Last week, Washington strongly objected to a new project from Facebook and Google. It’s too risky and offers “unprecedented opportunities” for Chinese government espionage, the Justice Department declared. The project, however, wasn’t about online speech or contact tracing, but concerned an issue that would seem far less politically charged: building an undersea internet cable from the United States to Hong Kong….

Black Lives Matter could also help fight environmental injustices

The Black Lives Matter movement is primarily about social justice, but it will tackle environmental injustices too, says Graham Lawton Source:…

Masked Arsonist Identified and Jailed Because of Etsy Review

An anonymous reader quotes Ars Technica:
To some extent, every Internet user leaves a digital trail. So when a masked arsonist was seen on video setting fire to a police car on the day of a recent protest in Philadelphia, the fact that her face was hidden didn’t prevent a Federal Bureau of Investigation agent from tracking down the suspect. The keys…

How The FBI Identified That Masked Arsonist Identified and Jailed Because of Her Etsy Review

An anonymous reader quotes Ars Technica:
To some extent, every Internet user leaves a digital trail. So when a masked arsonist was seen on video setting fire to a police car on the day of a recent protest in Philadelphia, the fact that her face was hidden didn’t prevent a Federal Bureau of Investigation agent from tracking down the suspect. The keys…

Justice Dept. Urges Rolling Back Legal Shield for Tech Companies

The Justice Department released recommendations on Wednesday to pare back the legal shield for online platforms that has been crucial to their growth since the earliest days of the internet, taking a direct shot at companies like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube that have come into the cross hairs of the Trump administration. From a report: In a 25-page recommendation, the agency…

Libra? Here’s your constellation

The zodiacal constellation Libra the Scales is a fixture of the evening sky during a Northern Hemisphere summer (Southern Hemisphere winter). Source:…

Jack Dorsey’s Radical Experiment for Billionaires to Give Away Their Money

With a net worth of $5 billion, Jack Dorsey is the world’s 410th-wealthiest person, reports Recode, and “has now kick-started one of the most radical experiments in this era of historic income inequality — whether it is possible to quickly give away more than $1 billion of his money, and to do it effectively.”
Dorsey said this April that he would give…

How an Online Mob Doxxed an Innocent Man

“An innocent man faced a torrent of online threats and abuse after being mistakenly identified in a viral video in which an angry cyclist hurt a child,” reports the BBC: Mr. Weinberg was falsely identified when the wrong date was attached to the initial appeal made by the police in Bethesda, U.S. Mr. Weinberg used the popular fitness tracking app Strava,…

Amazon Pauses Police Use of Facial Recognition Tech For a Year

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Reuters: Amazon on Wednesday said it was implementing a one-year moratorium on police use of its facial recognition software, reversing its long-time support of selling the technology to law enforcement. Civil liberties activists have voiced concern that facial recognition could lead to unjust arrests during demonstrations against police brutality, racial injustice and the death…

Congress Seeks Answers on Juniper Networks Breach Amid Encryption Fight

A group of U.S. lawmakers preparing to fight a legislative attack on encrypted communications is trying to establish what happened when encryption was subverted at a Silicon Valley maker of networking gear. From a report: Democrat Ron Wyden, who sits on the Senate Intelligence Committee, said the 2015 incident at Sunnyvale-based Juniper Networks could shed light on the risks of compromised…