An Animated Introduction to the World’s Five Major Religions: Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism, Christianity & Islam

No matter the strength of particular beliefs, or disbeliefs, religions of every kind are all equally fundamental to the human experience. This was so for thousands of years before the advent of the world’s big five religions, and for thousands of years after. “Religion has been an aspect of culture for as long as it […]

An Animated Introduction to the World’s…

Proof of Biblical King Josiah May Have Been Found

Before there was paper, there was papyrus. Before there were paper clips to hold sheets of paper together, there were seals to press into clay to hold sheets of papyrus together. Before there were Post-it notes to identify who was sending clipped sheets of paper, there were insignias on the seals to impress identifications into… Continue reading Proof of Biblical King Josiah May Have Been Found