Airbnb Hires Jony Ive To Design Next-Gen Products and Services

Online vacation rental giant Airbnb on Wednesday said it has hired former Apple CDO Jony Ive and his company LoveFrom to assist in the design of future products and services. AppleInsider reports: Announced in a blog post from Airbnb co-founder and CEO Brian Chesky, Ive will work on next-generation “products and services” as a design consultant. It appears that he will…

Apple Marketing Chief Phil Schiller Steps Down From Role

Apple announced on Tuesday that longtime marketing boss Phil Schiller will step down from his role and be replaced by one of his deputies, Greg Joswiak, who now has Schiller’s former title of vice president of worldwide marketing. From a report: Schiller will continue to work at Apple as an “Apple Fellow,” the company said, and will continue his role as…

The 20th Anniversary of the Power Mac G4 Cube

Steven Levy from Wired remembers the Power Mac G4 Cube, which debuted July 19, 2000. From the report: I was reminded of this last week, as I listened to a cassette tape recorded 20 years prior, almost to the day. It documented a two-hour session with Jobs in Cupertino, California, shortly before the launch. The main reason he had summoned me…

Q&A With Legendary Designer Yves Behar

Yves Behar doesn’t really need any introduction. The world-renowned Swiss designer is a frequent creative artist in the gadget realm. He’s designed iconic devices like the OLPC, Jawbone Jambox, Herman Miller SAYL chair, and many more. From an interview, where he also talks about his smart lock company August: Input: What is your favorite gadget right now that’s not the new…

Apple Is Finally Willing To Make Gadgets Thicker So They Work Better

Apple has started to make its products thicker in an effort to give people what they want: functionality over form. This is a good thing. There are two recent examples: this year’s iPhones and the new 16-inch MacBook Pro. Todd Haselton writes via CNBC: This is a theory, but it seems this may be that there are some design changes being…

Jony Ive Left Apple Because of CEO Tim Cook’s Lack of Interest in Product Design, Report Says

To many, Jony Ive’s departure from Apple last week felt very sudden. But a narrative is forming to suggest that he’s been slowly drifting apart from the company for several years as the iPhone maker’s priorities shifted from product design to operations. Here are some of the highlights from The Wall Street Journal [paywalled] piece: Ive was “dispirited” by Tim Cook…

‘Apple is Not in Trouble Because Jony Ive is Leaving, It Is in Trouble Because He’s Not Being Replaced’

Apple’s chief design officer announced on Thursday that he is leaving the company after nearly 30 years at the firm. John Gruber of DaringFireball making sense of things and what it means for the company: I’ve never been an “Apple is doomed without Steve Jobs” person. But part of what made Apple the Apple we know in the post-1997 era is…

Jony Ive, iPhone Designer, Leaving Apple To Form Independent Company

Apple’s chief designer Jony Ive is leaving after decades at the iPhone maker to form an independent company — with Apple as one of its primary clients. Ive was at Apple for more than two decades in which his iconic designs for the Mac, iPod and iPhone turned one of Silicon Valley’s faded giants into the world’s most valuable company and…