Covid-19 Killed the Era of ‘Big’ Flying

COVID-19 has shattered the aviation industry, with nations closing their borders and banning all but essential travel. A world where people could hop from country to country is now one where empty planes travel to maintain contractual obligations. Major carriers, including American, IAG, Delta and Lufthansa have all asked for government bailouts. From a report: One airline that will receive a…

Singapore Airlines Is Using Aeroponics To Upgrade In-Flight Meals

Antony McNeil, Singapore Airlines’ global food and beverage director, is purchasing produce from AeroFarms’ Newark facility, the world’s largest indoor vertical farm. “The 16-year-old agtech startup has taken aeroponics to an industrial scale, growing some 800 varieties of leafy greens, tubers, root crops, vine crops, and berries all without soil, sunshine, or pesticides,” reports Quartz. Thanks to this partnership, “Singapore Airlines…