Trial begins for archaeologist accused of forging earliest portrayal of Jesus’ crucifixion

A criminal trial has begun of an archaeologist accused of forging a trove of Roman artifacts that allegedly show a third-century depiction of Jesus’ crucifixion, Egyptian hieroglyphics and the early use of the Basque language. Source:

Get ready for the ’20s!

“Anybody besides me notice that the past two decades have been nameless?” Source:…

Was the Christmas Star real?

Are there any possible astronomical explanations for the Star of Bethlehem or Christmas star? Source:…

Archaeologists Identify ‘Lost’ Jerusalem Street Built by Pontius Pilate — the Man Who Condemned Jesus to Death

Archaeologists have identified a grand street in Jerusalem that was built by Pontius Pilate, the Roman prefect of Judea who is famous for overseeing the trial and crucifixion of Jesus. Source: