Contact with India moon lander lost, moments before touchdown

The Vikram lander was to have made India the 4th nation of Earth to soft land on the moon. Contact with it was lost just 1.3 miles (2.1 km) above the moon’s surface. Source:…

Watch India’s Chandrayaan-2 Make Its Historic Moon Landing Attempt

It’s a big day for India’s highly audacious Chandrayaan-2 mission. From a report: The nation will attempt to land its lunar orbit on the moon’s surface shortly as it inches closer to become the fourth in the world to complete a successful lunar landing. ISRO, India’s equivalent of NASA, is live streaming the landing on its website, and YouTube channel. The…

India’s Chandrayaan-2 is 2 weeks away from its moon landing

The spacecraft is slowing down for its final orbit, with its next maneuver scheduled for August 28. It’s due to land September 7. Details about the mission, plus Chandrayaan-2’s first image of the moon, here. Source:…

Chandrayaan-2 is on its way to the moon

Following a series of successful maneuvers, India’s Chandrayaan-2 spacecraft has shifted trajectories and is now on its way to the moon. Source:…