Lockdown Gardening in Britain Leads To Archaeological Discoveries

Gardeners in Hampshire, a county in southeast England, were weeding their yard in April when they found 63 gold coins and one silver coin from King Henry VIII’s reign in the 16th century, with four of the coins inscribed with the initials of the king’s wives Catherine of Aragon, Anne Boleyn and Jane Seymour. From a report: The archaeological find was…

Researchers Baffled as Warrior Skeletons Reveal Bronze Age Europeans Couldn’t Drink Milk

sciencehabit quotes Science magazine: About 3000 years ago, thousands of warriors fought on the banks of the Tollense river in northern Germany. They wielded weapons of wood, stone, and bronze to deadly effect: Over the past decade, archaeologists have unearthed the skeletal remains of hundreds of people buried in marshy soil. It’s one of the largest prehistoric conflicts ever discovered. Now,…

Mysterious Iron Age site may have been a retreat for religious hermits

Shards of pottery that was likely used for transporting food suggest a mountain site in the Czech Republic may have been a nature retreat for Iron Age religious hermits Source: https://www.newscientist.com/article/2238307-mysterious-iron-age-site-may-have-been-a-retreat-for-religious-hermits/?utm_campaign=RSS%7CNSNS&utm_source=NSNS&utm_medium=RSS&utm_content=home…