The iPhone 12 Mini Was Apple’s 2020 Sales Flop

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Ars Technica: Bad news for lovers of smaller phones: the iPhone 12 mini has sold poorly compared to other phones in the iPhone 12 lineup — poorly enough that analysts wonder whether Apple will remain committed to the smaller phone design moving forward. A data firm called Counterpoint Research found that the iPhone 12…

Medical Study Suggests iPhone 12 With MagSafe Can Deactivate Pacemakers

AmiMoJo shares a report from 9to5Mac: When Apple revived MagSafe with the iPhone 12 lineup, one question brought up was how these latest devices with more magnets would interact with medical devices like pacemakers. Apple’s official word was that iPhone 12/MagSafe wouldn’t interfere more than previous iPhones. Now one of the first medical studies has been published by the Heart Rhythm…

Should Cellphone Chargers Be Sold Separately?

The Verge writes:
Lei Jun, the CEO of Chinese phone maker Xiaomi, has confirmed that its upcoming Mi 11 phone will not come with a charger, citing environmental concerns. While that’s a legitimate argument against providing yet another hunk of plastic that resembles all the other chargers people already have, Xiaomi joined other phone makers who poked fun at Apple a few…

Apple Experienced iCloud Issues After Christmas Surge

“If you just received a new iPhone 12, Apple Watch or iPad, you might not have gotten immediate satisfaction — Apple was having some iCloud issues,” reports CNET: The issue started early on Christmas Day, according to the iCloud account and sign-in entry on Apple’s system status page. More than a day later, as of late morning PT Saturday, the Apple…

Samsung Plans To Ditch Power Adapters Just 3 Months After Mocking Apple Over the Same

Right after the Apple event in October, Samsung mocked the company for not including the power adapter in the iPhone 12 box and also removing it from the older models. Now, as some rumors have predicted, the Galaxy S21’s documentation suggests that it will also not come with a charger included in the box. 9to5Mac reports: As reported by Brazilian website…

Apple Silicon M1 Chip In MacBook Air Outperforms High-End 16-Inch MacBook Pro

The first benchmark of Apple’s M1 chip shows that the multi-core performance of the new MacBook Air with 8GB RAM beats out all of the 2019 16-inch MacBook Pro models, including the 10th-generation high-end 2.4GHz Intel Core i9 model. “That high-end 16-inch MacBook Pro earned a single-core score of 1096 and a multi-core score of 6870,” reports MacRumors. The MacBook Air…

Big Tech Continues Its Surge Ahead of the Rest of the Economy

While the rest of the U.S. economy languished earlier this year, the tech industry’s biggest companies seemed immune to the downturn, surging as the country worked, learned and shopped from home. From a report: On Thursday, as the economy is showing signs of improvement, Amazon, Apple, Alphabet and Facebook reported profits that highlighted how a recovery may provide another catalyst to…

ClipDrop Lets You ‘Cut-and-Paste’ Real Life Objects Using Your Phone Camera Into Desktop Apps

An anonymous reader shares a report: Apple has boasted a lot about the AR capabilities of its new LiDAR equipped iPhone 12 Pro. It means that your new iPhone will be able to ‘map’ the room better to place objects. However, I hadn’t found an AR app that I might use regularly — until now. A few months ago, developer Cyril…

ClipDrop Lets You ‘Copy-and-Paste’ Real Life Objects Using Your Phone Camera Into Desktop Apps

An anonymous reader shares a report: Apple has boasted a lot about the AR capabilities of its new LiDAR equipped iPhone 12 Pro. It means that your new iPhone will be able to ‘map’ the room better to place objects. However, I hadn’t found an AR app that I might use regularly — until now. A few months ago, developer Cyril…

Huawei Announces Last Major Phone Before US Ban Forces Rethink

Huawei introduced the Mate 40 smartphone series on Thursday, potentially its last major release powered by its self-designed Kirin chips. From a report: China’s biggest tech company by sales has been stockpiling chips to get its signature device out in time to compete with Apple’s iPhone 12 over the holidays. Huawei will have to overhaul its smartphone lineup after Trump administration…