Earth Barreling Toward ‘Hothouse’ State Not Seen In 50 Million Years, Epic New Climate Record Shows

[I]n a new study published in the journal Science, researchers have analyzed the chemical elements in thousands of foram samples and found that Earth is barreling toward a hothouse state not seen in 50 million years. Live Science reports: The new paper, which comprises decades of deep-ocean drilling missions into a single record, details Earth’s climate swings across the entire Cenozoic…

Greenland’s Ice Sheet Melting Seven Times Faster Than In 1990s

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Guardian: Greenland’s ice sheet is melting much faster than previously thought, threatening hundreds of millions of people with inundation and bringing some of the irreversible impacts of the climate emergency much closer. Ice is being lost from Greenland seven times faster than it was in the 1990s, and the scale and speed of…

What climate change in the Arctic means for the rest of us

Air temperatures in the Arctic are increasing at least twice as fast as the global average. What worries climate scientists about the Arctic summer of 2019? And why does it matter for the rest of the world? Source:…

IPCC report: Sea levels could be a metre higher by 2100

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change concludes that a sea level rise of a metre or more by 2100 is likely in a worst-case scenario Source:…

Earth Warming More Quickly Than Thought, New Climate Models Show

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Phys.Org: Greenhouse gases thrust into the atmosphere mainly by burning fossil fuels are warming Earth’s surface more quickly than previously understood, according to new climate models set to replace those used in current UN projections, scientists said Tuesday. By 2100, average temperatures could rise 7.0 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels if carbon emissions continue…