600,000 GPS Trackers Left Exposed Online With a Default Password of ‘123456’

According to Avast security researchers, over 600,000 GPS trackers manufactured by a Chinese company are using the same default password of “123456. “They say that hackers can abuse this password to hijack users’ accounts, from where they can spy on conversations near the GPS tracker, spoof the tracker’s real location, or get the tracker’s attached SIM card phone number for tracking…

Huge Survey of Firmware Finds No Security Gains In 15 Years

A survey of more than 6,000 firmware images spanning more than a decade finds no improvement in firmware security and lax security standards for the software running connected devices by Linksys, Netgear and other major vendors. The Security Ledger reports: “Nobody is trying,” said Sarah Zatko, the Chief Scientist at the Cyber Independent Testing Lab (CITL), a non-profit organization that conducts…

Why Canonical Views the Snap Ecosystem as a Compelling Distribution-Agnostic Solution

Canonical’s Martin Wimpress addresses Snaps, Flatpak, and other competing standards, and community unease around Canonical’s control of the Snap store. intensivevocoder writes: With these advances in hardware support, the last significant challenge users face when switching from Windows or Mac to a Linux distribution is app distribution and installation. While distribution-provided repositories are useful for most open source software, the release…

5G May Drain Batteries, While Base Stations Will Require Three Times As Much Power

schwit1 quotes IEEE Spectrum: In 2017, members of the mobile telephony industry group 3GPP were bickering over whether to speed the development of 5G standards. One proposal, originally put forward by Vodafone and ultimately agreed to by the rest of the group, promised to deliver 5G networks sooner by developing more aspects of 5G technology simultaneously. Adopting that proposal may have…

10 Important Ways Analytical Skills Boost Your Resume

Analytical skills say a lot about a person. In particular, they say a lot of things that are very attractive to an employer no matter what job position you hold. When you demonstrate an ability to analyze data and make informed recommendations, you quickly become an indispensable part of the team. You become the go-to person for helping making sense of…

New Silex Malware is Bricking IoT Devices, Has Scary Plans

A new strain of malware is wiping the firmware of IoT devices in attacks reminiscent of the old BrickerBot malware that destroyed millions of devices back in 2017. From a report: Named Silex, this malware began operating earlier today, about three-four hours before this article’s publication. The malware had bricked around 350 devices when this reporter began investigating its operations, and…

Why ‘Ambient Computing’ Is Just A Marketing Buzzword — For Now

An anonymous reader quotes Computerworld columnist Mike Elgan: Ambient computing is real. It’s the next megatrend in computing…. To interact in an “ambient computing” context means to not care and not even necessarily know where exactly the devices are that you’re interacting with. When IoT devices and sensors are all around us, and artificial intelligence can understand human contexts for what’s…

These Are the Internet of Things Devices That Are Most Targeted By Hackers

ZDNet reports:
Internet-connected security cameras account for almost half of the Internet of Things devices that are compromised by hackers even as homes and businesses continue to add these and other connected devices to their networks. Research from cybersecurity company SAM Seamless Network found that security cameras represent 47 percent of vulnerable devices installed on home networks. According to the data, the…

C3.ai Sets a Model for Talent Transformation with University of Illinois Degree Program

I’m delighted to share that C3.ai, the leading enterprise AI software provider, will be expanding its enterprise partnership with Coursera, offering not only courses in critical skills but also online degrees. As of today, C3.ai is offering employees full paid tuition for the Master of Computer Science in Data Science (MCS-DS) from the University of […]
The post C3.ai Sets a Model…

Sony Builds IoT Chip With a 60-Mile Range

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Engadget: Sony is quietly launching a chip that could change how e-bikes, cars, street lamps and all kinds of other connected devices can relay information. The module, when installed on any IoT object, will allow it send data to Sony’s proprietary low-power wide area (LPWA) ELTRES network launching this fall. It can transmit up…