Learn by day or night: Dark mode now available on the Coursera iOS app

By Alex Sanchez, Senior Product Manager for Mobile Experiences and Emerging Technology, Coursera By Alex Sanchez, Senior Product Manager for Mobile Experiences and Emerging Technology, Coursera For those who learn at night, in low-light settings, or just love dark mode, we’re happy to say it’s here for Coursera learners! Dark mode support for the Coursera […]
The post Learn by day or…

Apple Patches iPhone Jailbreaking Bug

Apple has released today an iOS security update to patch a bug the company accidentally un-patched in an earlier release, introducing a security weakness that allowed hackers to craft new jailbreaks for current iOS versions. From a report: The original bug, discovered by Ned Williamson, a Google Project Zero security engineer, allows a malicious app to exploit a “user-after-free” vulnerability and…

Google Reveals Fistful of Flaws In Apple’s iMessage App

Google researchers have shared details of five flaws in Apple’s iMessage software that could make its devices vulnerable to attack. The BBC reports: In one case, the researchers said the vulnerability was so severe that the only way to rescue a targeted iPhone would be to delete all the data off it. Another example, they said, could be used to copy…

Cellebrite Says It Can Unlock Any iPhone For Cops

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Wired: On Friday afternoon, the Israeli forensics firm and law enforcement contractor Cellebrite publicly announced a new version of its product known as a Universal Forensic Extraction Device or UFED, one that it’s calling UFED Premium. In marketing that update, it says that the tool can now unlock any iOS device cops can lay…