Get ready for more interstellar objects, astronomers say

Gregory Laughlin and Malena Rice weren’t exactly surprised a few weeks ago when they learned that a second interstellar object had made its way into our solar system. Source:…

IAU names the 2nd interstellar visitor

The first known interstellar visitor received the official name ‘Oumuamua, meaning ‘scout.’ This one has a less romantic name and one that sets a standard for future discoveries: 2I/Borisov. Source:…

Could we intercept interstellar comet C/2019 Q4 Borisov?

When ‘Oumuamua passed through our solar system two years ago, it set off a flurry of excitement in the astronomical community. Here was the first-ever interstellar object that be observed by human trackers, and the mysteries surrounding its true nature and composition led to some pretty interesting theories. There were even some proposals for a rapid mission that would be able…

Astronomers spy a 2nd interstellar visitor

Astronomers think the object they’ve labeled C/2019 Q4 – discovered August 30 – came from a place far, far away. If confirmed, it’s only the 2nd interstellar object ever detected, after ‘Oumuamua in 2017. Source:…

We may have spotted an interstellar comet flying toward Earth

Astronomers have found a comet that seems to have come from beyond our solar system, which would make it the second interstellar object that we’ve ever spotted Source:…

We may have spotted an interstellar comet flying towards Earth

Astronomers have found a comet that seems to have come from beyond our solar system, which would make it the second interstellar object that we’ve ever spotted Source:…

By continuously watching the moon, we could detect interstellar meteorites

When “Oumuamua crossed Earth’s orbit on October 19th, 2017, it became the first interstellar object ever to be observed by humans. These and subsequent observations, rather than dispelling the mystery of “Oumuamua’s true nature, only deepened it. The debate raged about whether it was an asteroid or a comet, with some even suggesting it could be an extraterrestrial solar sail. Source:…

Interstellar object ‘Oumuamua almost definitely not aliens, we think

After the interstellar asteroid ‘Oumuamua flew through our solar system in 2017, some researchers speculated it might be an alien ship – it’s very likely not Source:…

‘Oumuamua is not an alien spacecraft: study

On October 19, 2017, astronomers discovered the first known interstellar object to visit our solar system. First spotted by the Panoramic Survey Telescope and Rapid Response System 1 (PanSTARRS1) telescope located at the University of Hawaii’s Haleakala Observatory, the object defied easy description, simultaneously displaying characteristics of both a comet and an asteroid. Source:…

ESA’s new mission to intercept a comet

“Comet Interceptor” has been selected as ESA’s new fast-class mission in its Cosmic Vision Programme. Comprising three spacecraft, it will be the first to visit a truly pristine comet or other interstellar object that is only just starting its journey into the inner Solar System. Source:…