Top 9 EarthSky stories of 2019

From the 1st landing on the moon’s far side to the 1st actual image of a black hole, here’s a quick roundup of 9 of the stories our readers enjoyed most in 2019. Source:…

2nd-known interstellar visitor rounds the sun

The 1st interstellar object – 1I/’Oumuamua – had already passed closest to our sun when astronomers first spotted it. So catching this 2nd one – 2I/Borisov – prior to perihelion was a big plus for astronomers! Before and after images here. Source:…

Interstellar object closest to the sun today

The fascinating object 2I/Borisov has been steadily brightening as it nears its encounter with our sun. It’ll pass closest to the sun on December 8, 2019, then flee again toward interstellar space. Source:…

Was ‘Oumuamua a cosmic dust bunny?

‘Oumuamua – the weird object that entered our solar system in 2017 and quickly fled back toward interstellar space – might not be an asteroid or comet from a distant solar system, as many believed. It might instead be a “cosmic dust bunny.” Source:…

Update on the 2nd interstellar visitor

Astronomers in Poland have just published the 1st peer-reviewed paper on the 2nd interstellar visitor, now officially labeled as a comet, 2I/Borisov. Plus check out the new Hubble Space Telescope image of this object. Source:…

Hubble Observes First Confirmed Interstellar Comet

NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope has given astronomers their best look yet at an interstellar visitor — comet 2I/Borisov — whose speed and trajectory indicate it has come from beyond our solar system. In a press release, the space agency said: This Hubble image, taken on Oct. 12, 2019, is the sharpest view of the comet to date. Hubble reveals a central…

Astronomers find cyanide gas in interstellar object 2I/Borisov

When the mysterious object known as ‘Oumuamua passed Earth in October of 2017, astronomers rejoiced. In addition to being the first interstellar object detected in our solar system, its arrival opened our eyes to how often such events take place. Since asteroids and comets are believed to be material left over from the formation of a planetary system, it also presented…

We can send a probe to interstellar comet Borisov – but not until 2030

Astronomers are racing to learn about only the second interstellar object ever seen. We now know it contains cyanide gas – and we could send a probe to visit it Source:…

NSLive: Michele Bannister has helped find more than 800 minor planets

`Oumuamua is the first interstellar object we’ve detected travelling through our solar system, as astrophysicist Michele Bannister will explain at New Scientist Live in October Source:…

Michele Bannister has helped find more than 800 minor planets

`Oumuamua is the first interstellar object we’ve detected travelling through our solar system, as astrophysicist Michele Bannister will explain at New Scientist Live in October Source:…