Intel Will Exit 5G Phone Modem Business, Hours After Apple and Qualcomm Settle Licensing Dispute

Intel announced Tuesday afternoon that it will no longer be working on 5G chips for smartphones, leaving Apple with only one supplier for its iPhones, Qualcomm — the same company that it was battling in court until midday Tuesday. CNET reports: Intel late Tuesday said it plans to exit the 5G smartphone modem business. It had been working on a…

Russia Adopts Bill That Would Expand Government Control Over the Internet

An anonymous reader quotes a report from ABC News: Russia’s lower chamber of parliament has adopted a bill that would expand government control over the internet, raising fears of widespread censorship. The State Duma on Tuesday overwhelmingly voted to support the bill, which still has to be approved by the upper chamber of Russian Parliament and signed into the law…

Kiwi Browser update for Android introduces Chrome Extensions support

Kiwi Browser, a mobile web browser for Android that is based on Chromium, introduced support for Chrome browser extensions in its latest update. Chromium is the source for many browsers on Android […]
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Adblock Plus filter exploit to run arbitrary code discovered

Most content blockers use and load filter lists that include instructions to block or change certain content on visited sites in the web browser by default; this is done to ensure that […]
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Twitter Removed Links to News Stories That Mentioned Leaked TV Shows

Starz used the Digital Millennium Copyright Act to force Twitter to kill tweets about its leaked episodes of ‘American Gods.’ Source:…

PayPal adds authenticator app as 2-step verification option

PayPal; love it, or hate it. I had my troubles with the service in the past but have to acknowledge that it is one of the most popular online payment options thanks […]
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You can upgrade to the Windows 10 May 2019 Update right now (but you shouldn’t)

Microsoft plans to release the May 2019 Update for Windows 10 at the end of May 2019. The update will be rolled out slowly to devices at that point and it will […]
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Senator Kamala Harris Invokes Avengers: Infinity War to Defend Net Neutrality

Democratic Senator and Presidential hopeful Kamala Harris is a fan of superhero films, and has been known to use them to illustrate ideas related to her various political platforms. Following Congressman Michael Doyle Jr.’s (D, Pa.) Save the Internet Act making it through the House in a 232-190 vote, Harris took to… Read more… Source:… Continue reading Senator Kamala Harris Invokes Avengers: Infinity War to Defend Net Neutrality

Net Neutrality Bill Sails Through the House But Faces an Uncertain Political Future

House lawmakers on Wednesday approved a Democrat-backed bill (alternative source) that would restore rules requiring AT&T, Verizon and other Internet providers to treat all Web traffic equally, marking an early step toward reversing one of the most significant deregulatory moves of the Trump era. From a report: But the net neutrality measure is likely to… Continue reading Net Neutrality Bill Sails Through the House But Faces an Uncertain Political Future

From “Level 0” to Working at Google: How Penn Grad Theresa Breiner Started a Software Development Career

With the rise of big data, machine learning, and artificial intelligence, computer science has become relevant for virtually every type of career. Professionals in fields like medicine, public policy, history, and even the arts are using computer science skills to develop innovative ideas and solutions. The Online Master of Computer and Information Technology (MCIT) program […]
The post From “Level 0”…