A powerful way to unleash your natural creativity | Tim Harford

What can we learn from the world’s most enduringly creative people? They “slow-motion multitask,” actively juggling multiple projects and moving between topics as the mood strikes — without feeling hurried. Author Tim Harford shares how innovators like Einstein, Darwin, Twyla Tharp and Michael Crichton found their inspiration and productivity through cross-training their minds. Source: https://www.ted.com/talks/tim_harford_a_powerful_way_to_unleash_your_natural_creativity?rss…

Stunning buildings made from raw, imperfect materials | Débora Mesa Molina

What would it take to reimagine the limits of architecture? Débora Mesa Molina offers some answers in this breathtaking, visual tour of her work, showing how structures can be made with overlooked materials and unconventional methods — or even extracted from the guts of the earth. “The world around us is an infinite source of inspiration if we are curious…