Your Internet Data is Rotting

MySpace, which recently lost 50 million files uploaded between 2003 and 2015, is not alone in encountering problems. As the internet grows, batches of old information are increasingly disappearing from it. From a story: Amazon cloud services, for example, also experienced a substantial outage in 2011 and another in 2017. Though temporary, and without actual loss of data, these outages left…

Two-Queen Tag Team May Have Preceded King Tut

If the great (and not-so-great) pharaohs were alive today, they might object to the fact that Tutankhamun gets all of the fame, the best museum exhibits and a song by Steve Martin just because he lived fast, died young and no one looted his tomb. Well, get ready to add two more. A Canadian Egyptologist… Read more » Source:…

Mysterious Cherokee Inscriptions in Alabama Cave Decoded

Fun fact: I’m not named after a tree. Nor am I named after a popular large SUV. I, like a great many other folks, am named after a person far cooler than I will ever be. Sequoyah was a Cherokee silversmith who lived from 1770 to 1843 who accomplished something pretty unreasonably awesome. He created,… Continue reading Mysterious Cherokee Inscriptions in Alabama Cave Decoded

Archaeologists Discover 3,900-Year-Old Inscriptions In Amethyst Mine

Archaeologists have discovered over 100 ancient inscriptions that were carved into the rock at Wadi el-Hudi, which is where the Egyptians mined amethysts in ancient times. They also found 14 stele (which are inscriptions that are carved on a slab of stone or pillar) and 45 ostraca (which are inscriptions that are written on pottery… Continue reading Archaeologists Discover 3,900-Year-Old Inscriptions In Amethyst Mine